Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Back in action

I know I have not written in this space for the best part of the last 3 months. I guess transitions of a job change as well as change in city, have their own manifestations and demands on time!

I have finally settled down into my new place in Noida. The firm is interesting, people are exceptionally busy,and the heat here is quite not what I am accustomed to. I seriously need to figure out ways to cool myself,and stop feeling so heavy everytime I gulp down a glass of water to beat the heat.Even sitting inside the office within an air-conditioned environment doesn't suffice!Its so damn hot here! Gosh...Bangalore..how I miss you!!

Will keep these posts updated from hereon in!


Raaga said...

so you said about a month ago... what happened?

Broadband Arena said...

gotcha!! bro