My jaw dropped today.And in ample measure!
I had gone to attend one of my relatives' kid's first birthday.And the kid's dad is just a month younger than I am.He is working in a top-notch consulting firm in Bombay and we were catching up after nearly 4 years.It was a pleasure to chat up with him and his wife,and of course play the fool with their kiddo!
As conversation went along,the topic shifted to that of careers and career moves.My jaw dropped wide!This guy told me that one of his colleagues had quit recently to join a software company at the entry level at a CTC of 35 lakhs!A whopping 35 lakhs!That's the kind of money most government sector employees get when they retire after slogging for 35 years!And here is this chap,with close to 4 years work experience in the consulting world and hitting this jackpot at 35 lakhs p.a.That too, at the ENTRY level!
Damn!Why is the software world making life difficult for the rest of us.Its pretty ridiculous.These kinds of compensation structures make the entire concept of a career redundant.Employees in other industries will struggle to cope with the disparity in income levels.Cost of living will automatically go up, because the market will work on the assumption that there is demand,ability and willingness on the part of some sections of society, to pay premium prices for goods and services.But then again,my argument is,there are scores of people,the vast majority,who are not in that kind of an income bracket and will not be able to sustain this type of ridiculous inflation in the cost of living,for NO fault of theirs!Just why,pray why,is the software industry screwing up everybody's lives?After all migration from other industries into the software industry in roles of a domain specialist is not the ONLY alternative for people unable to cope with such crazy disparities!Hell,this guy didn't even have 5 full years of experience!
Gosh,I hope India does well,but what I hope even more is that India takes EVERYBODY along with it while doing well.I just hope the vast majority are not left behind!