I felt miserable on reading this just now.The man who I admired during my days of b-school is no more. Peter Drucker,95,breathed his last.Like so many of my ilk,I was always awestruck by the magical simplicity he brought to the otherwise,seemingly complicated world of management.I never got lucky to attend any of his seminars,but his thoughts and his books taught me some lessons in life,not just in management.I used to have long conversations about these theories and how relevant they were in the current context,with my good friend,Goutam,who was an equal fanatic about Drucker. And his interviews were even better than his books!Clarity,simplicity and sheer common sense epitomising every phrase he uttered.39 books in 7 decades may appear to be small, but the impact of these books will last long after today,when Drucker was taken away from us.Thankfully,he never had any ailment.
Sad,sad,sad!Its a colossal loss to the world of management.And I am not for a moment stating this with the coldness of a diplomant!No way!Peter Drucker is no more!Gosh!
Sad,sad,sad!Its a colossal loss to the world of management.And I am not for a moment stating this with the coldness of a diplomant!No way!Peter Drucker is no more!Gosh!
For me this great Vietnamese lawyer turned management thinker will always be the quintessential man, who saw tomorrow.I am not going to have my gala Saturday night tonight.Its the least I can do for a man I truly have immense regard for.